Eating breakfast may help reduce overall meat consumption

A recent study conducted in Korea, Skipping breakfast is associated with diet quality … of adults, shows that the breakfast eaters consumes more food than did breakfast skippers overall, but the dinner dietary analysis showed that cookies, cake, and meat consumption were higher among breakfast skippers than among breakfast eaters. The study concludes that irregular breakfast consumption in men resulted in overeating at other meals and a higher daily intake of high-fat meat, and thus, skipping breakfast can lead to inadequate nutrient intake and imbalanced macronutrient composition. Subjects included 415 employees–118 male, 297 female; 30-50 years old–of Jaesang Hospital in Korea and their acquaintances.

Table 2 from the article, under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License

It has been unanimously accepted that eating breakfast is a healthy habit, but the association of it with meat consumption comes rather fresh to me. The rare breakfast eaters consumed 16.5 per cent of more meat than did the regular breakfast eaters averagely. Looking at the problem of beef consumption in systems, I think this may be an interesting resource that will help indirectly reduce overall meat consumption.