A New York Times’ call for carnivores.

Russell Bell

A New York Times’ ethicist Ariel Kaminer calls for carnivores who believe in eating animals. If you believe you can make a clear argument that meat eating is ethical, email your words to [email protected].

The call was posted only yesterday and there are already 100+ comments on the article. Go check the interesting discussion. Yes, it is a hot potato, and I am looking forward to the result.

Original Post is on NYtimes.

Rules  This is a very specific contest. Don’t tell us why you like meat, why organic trumps local or why your food is yours to choose. Just tell us why it’s ethical to eat meat.

Guidelines  Send written entries of no more than 600 words to [email protected]. Entries are due by April 8; no late submissions will be considered.

The Prize  The best essay or essays will be published in an upcoming issue of The New York Times.

The Caveat  Feel free to bat ideas around in the comments section, but to be considered by the judges entries must be submitted to [email protected].

*E-mail queries to [email protected], or send them to the Ethicist, The New York Times Magazine, 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018, and include a daytime phone number.